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Casa Vacanze La Contessina
The Contessina Holiday Resort: Gubbio
Assisi Perugia Gubbio Orvieto

Laying on the slopes of Monte Ingino, Gubbio is one of the most ancient towns of Umbria, extremely well preserved during centuries and rich of monuments testifying its glorious past.

Two important witnesses of the past are the Tavole Eugubine, one of most important documents referring to the ancient people called Italici and the Roman Theatre just outside the walls of the town. Dominated from the top by the Basilica on which the rests of St. Ubaldo are buried, Gubbio keeps architectonic masterpieces testifying the beauty and the imprtance of what used to be during the Middle ages, a real town-state.

At the beginning of the XIV century the Consuls Palace, today symbol of the town, was constructed together with the square Piazza Pensile and Pretorio Palace.

To remind the palaces Beni, del Bargello with the famous fountain, of People Captain , in typical renaissance style, Dukes Palace by Francesco Giorgio Martini which testity the importance of the period on which the Montefeltro's family had the administration of the town.

  The Contessina Holiday Resort: Gubbio The Contessina Holiday Resort: Gubbio The Contessina Holiday Resort: Gubbio

Very interesting are also the Cathedral (XII century), St. Maria Nuova (inside which one can admire the Madonna del Belvedere painted by Ottaviano Nelli on 1413), Church and Convent of St. Agostino (XIII century ) with inside frescoes of Nelli, Church and Convent of St. Francesco (XIII century), St. Giovanni (XII century) characterised by the facade and bell tower in romanic style, St. Peter enlarged in 1505 and St. Domenico enlarged in the XIV century.

Among the most important manifestations taking place in the city we should absolutely mention the Racing silk of the Crossbow and the Ceri Race.

  The Contessina Holiday Resort: Gubbio The Contessina Holiday Resort: Gubbio The Contessina Holiday Resort: Gubbio
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Casa Vacanze La Contessina
Via A. Mantovani, 28
06083 - Bastia Umbra (PG), Italy

Tel: +39.075.8180026
Tel.: +39.075.8180026
Mob.: +39.329.4136979
Mob.: +39.393.9004749
Fax: +39.075.8000413
E-mail: info@casavacanzelacontessina.it

Via A. Mantovani, 28
06083 - Bastia Umbra (PG), Italy
VAT 02953610546
Cod. Fisc. DLLFNC49H51G478A
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